Registering for Preschool
Meadow View Christian Preschool exists to encourage and assist parents in nurturing their child's relationship with the Lord as they are learning and developing through their preschool years.CalendarEnrollment InformationRegistrationPreschool StaffCurriculumFacilityFAQsContact Meadow View Christian Preschool
Registration for the 2025-2026 school year will open March 10, 2025.
Children ages 3-5 years.
Hours & Rates
We are open: September through May
Monday - Friday from 9:15 AM to 12:15 PM
5 Days: $255 per month
3 Days (Monday/Wednesday/Friday): $165 per month
2 Days (Tuesday/Thursday): $120 per month
Steps to Register Your Child for Preschool:
1. Utilize the Lillio (HiMama) registration link:
2. Complete the following sections of the registration link: Child Information, Child’s Primary Address Parent or Guardian Enrollment Information (only the preferred start date 9/3/24 and weekly schedule)
3. Submit request
There is a NON-REFUNDABLE $50.00 registration fee for new families and $25.00 for returning families. Once the registration fee is paid, the child's name will be added to the enrollment list.
Once payment is received, you will receive an email saying that your child is registered.
If you have any questions regarding registration or the preschool program in general, please call Jennifer Hough @ 740-828-2536 or email:
Our maximum class size is 18 children.
We accept new students throughout the year as availability allows.