We are offering "Jesus Won" shirts in your favorite local team colors. Place your order online at prostitchprints.square.site/mvc and it will be delivered for pickup at Meadow View. If you have any questions, you can contact Tyler or Monica at the church 740-828-2536 or office@meadowviewchurch.com. You can choose between a t-shirt, hooded sweatshirt, crewneck sweatshirt, and long sleeve t-shirt. As for colors, your options are grey, black, red, or blue with white lettering. The link is also on our Facebook page and website.
All men are invited to a time of fellowship on Saturday, November 23rd at 8:00 AM. There will also be a short bible study.
Join us on Sunday, December 1st for a special congregational meeting to discuss the building of a new rec life building.