Kid's Hope

Kid's Hope

Jennifer Hough


For over 25 years, Kids Hope USA has provided a proven, life-changing
program through church-school partnerships that train and equip mentors
to reach kids in public schools who are in-need of caring, reliable, one-on-one
They provide structure, training, support, and resources designed for use
in public schools by churches to give kids what they need most—hope and love from a mentor.
Together, we can make a life-long difference. In every school, in every community.
One young heart at a time. Let’s do this in yours.


A volunteer willing to share his/her most precious commodity; time.
Convinced that a student’s life can change when given the chance within the context of a reliable relationship,
a mentor provides the love of presence and the hope of a better tomorrow.
Together, with a prayer partner, a mentor’s deepest desire is to see a difference.

Prayer Partner

A volunteer matched with every mentor, this behind-the-scenes role provides support, encouragement,
and accountability (and prayers, of course) that ensure an enduring and successful relationship.


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